Sunday, February 20, 2011

Topic 3: Morphology

Topic 3: Morphology
From the Wikipedia, Morphology in linguistic defined as the study of the structure and content of word forms. While Fromkin defined Morphology as the study of the internal structure of words and of the rules by which words are formed (Fromkin 2007: 77).
                Morphology is the third topic that I learned for this course. I learned about different types of morphemes and word formations. Morpheme is a structure-based that can be broken into the smallest unit of meaning.  In morphology, a free morpheme is one that can stand-alone and has its own grammatical function. For example, the word “cat” is a basic morpheme that can occur on its own and has grammatical function as noun. On the other hand, a bound morpheme is a morpheme that only appears as part of a larger word. For example, the word “cats” is a combination of a free morpheme “cat” and a bound morpheme “s” (cat + s). It   A free morphemes best referred as roots while bound morpheme best referred as affix. In addition, I also learned that morpheme have their own function. Bound morpheme can be break into two part which is derivational morpheme (to make further new words and change their meaning) and inflectional morpheme (the use of affix to change the form and function only from the grammatical point with no change in part of speech of the word.
Example of derivational morpheme
Example of Inflectional morpheme
Part of speech

Singular present tense
Past tense

Adjective to adverb
*exact + ly, quiet +l y

Noun to verb
*haste + n, moral + ize

                Besides, I also learned about word formation. Words can be formed by the various morphology processes, which are:
From my point of view, the knowledge that I obtained from learning about words formation enable me to see clearly how we can formed new words from a basic (root) word into new word with new form and function. Actually, I had learned this for many years since I started learning English but now i could see clearly and understand the process of forming words.
Concisely, topic 3 is more challenging compare to two topics that I learned previously. I had to concentrate more and read the notes that our lecture had given me. It is because there are many new term of word that I have to remember to make sure that I will not confuse and understand them better.
                In topic 3, my group and I had carried out one activity based on tutorial activity.
Question: Conduct language games on word formation (e.g compound words, stems and affixes)
For tutorial task 3, we had prepared language games on word formation (e.g. compound words, stems and affixes). My group comes out with one game that name as “Make word fun”. Here is the rule of our games.
1.   First, form a pair
2.    Second, every pair form a big circle
3.    The teacher will give a box of question to one of student
4.    Every pair have to pass the box to the next pairs when the music start
5.    They have to stop passing the box when the music stop
6.    The pair that gets the box will pick one of the questions from the box
7.    The pair has to discuss and answer the question
8.   Repeat step four until the game finish
After we carried out the game, we reflected on the activity that we had carried out. We think the strength of the games is that it is using music that can encourage fun environment while playing the games. Students also can learn about the word formation (the affixation) while they are playing. However, we realized that the game was not interesting enough that it is quite boring. I could see it from the responses by our participant. Apart from that, we got the feedback from our lecturer. She encouraged us to use more music that is interesting during the activity. She also recommended us using speaker so that all students in the class can hear the music. Besides, we should vary our question so that the games will be more challenging and interesting. 

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